Overview: Chose among 6 roles to assign a user:
Project Leader: You! Has permissions for all functions, including updating action tables, posting to forum, updating energy use data
Project Staff: The people working with you on this project. Home page is the project dashboard. Has permissions for all functions.
Organization Leader: A leader of a sub-section of buildings in your project, such as fire department, school district or medical group. Their web dashboard opens showing the buildings in their sub-group and lists key data for that sub-group of buildings. You must assign this person to one of the buildings within that sub-group. Has permission for all functions relating to that sub-group of buildings.
Building Leader: The project leader for a particular building, your chief contact and person responsible for leading action within that building. Has permission for all functions relating to that building.
Building Member: Member of a green team or a teacher or facilities staff within that building. Home page dashboard is their building. Can not update energy data or invite others to join.
Project Trade Ally: Some key trade or partner involved in your project. Can view the site, but has no ability access to functions. Their home page is the Building Group, same as Project Leader and Project Staff.
Visitor: Someone interested in your work, such as member of the public. Can view the site, but has no ability access functions. Their home dashboard is the Project Building Group.